hi! i'm selfcare <3please use my commission form to order commissions.If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact me on instagram!

by woodlice on discord

site is made by LemonBarkStudios

SHADING IS +$5Symmetrical Headshot: $10
Symmetrical Icon: $15
Headshot: $20
Icon: $20
Bust/Halfbody (arms included): $30Fullbody: $35Customs:
1 fullbody: $45
Please contact for scene, banners, or reference sheet (custom or pre-existing) quotes.

By commissioning me, you agree to the terms below.If you have questions about any of these terms please ask before the commission is started.[Last updated: June 12th, 2024]To commission me please fill out my commission form instead of DMing me!1. Please have decent references, I personally do not work with: heavily shaded, compressed/crunchy quality to the point of no clear colors/details, traditionally drawn, wall of text descriptions, or nsfw references. If you fall into any of these categories it’s likely I will not choose to do your commission.2. My art is to NOT be used for NFTs or to feed directly into AI art programs, this is something that I will not budge on and if used it will be asked to be taken down.3. As the artist I often post commissioned work to my examples page and various art accounts, if not expressed you do not want it posted I will assume it’s okay to post!4. I have the right as the artist to turn down any commission I am not personally comfortable with, either my skill not being able to do it justice or the subject matter being personally uncomfortable, any rude behaviour will make me drop the commission and refund if I have not started the process.5. You, as the commissioner, have the right to use the art as you please with proper credit. Commercial use such as selling merchandise of my work will not be allowed unless fees for this are paid. Personal use such as merch for yourself or your friends is completely okay as long as it’s not to be profited off of without permission.6. Once you fill out my commission form I will contact you if I decide to go forward with your commission, there we can confirm ideas and I can send you a sketch and occasionally thumbnails of ideas. If you do not get a DM within a week of submitting your commission was declined.7. I’m a slow artist!! My turn around times can vary but it’s likely your commission will be done within two weeks of starting. Depending on how full my queue is and your place on said queue it may take a while to start your comm, checking in is encouraged if you are concerned.8. WIPs will be provided throughout the process, any huge changes after the lines are done (I.e drastic pose change) will cost extra depending on size. Please notify me if you are not happy with something in the sketching stage, I will not be responsible for the outcome if you do not tell me what you want changed.9. Final products will be sent via email or directly into a toy house profile for highest quality.PAYMENT1. USD PAYMENT ONLY! If you need to convert currency please do it beforehand as all of my invoices are USD.2. PayPal only at the moment!3. If the invoice is not paid within a week after we finalize details I will cancel the commission and move on. (Holds can be set up but your commission will not have priority until paid)4. I will only take payment upfront or after a heavily watermarked sketch is confirmed. I will only start LINING after I see payment go through.5. Please do not complain to me about prices if you do not do the math before filling out my form, I will not haggle my own commissions.REFUND POLICY1. Refunds are not available unless I am unable to get to your commission or you wish for a refund before I’ve started, if so you will be refunded in full.2. Charge backs will not be tolerated and automatically earns you a place on a blacklist.DESIGN TOS1. Please do not buy a design only to flip it and sell it immediately for a higher price than what you paid, this will have you added to my blacklist.2. If you resell a design for a higher price than its starting worth, at least have extra art/items that will increase said worth.3. Having a Toyhouse profile is preferred though not mandatory, if you create a toyhouse profile for it please credit selfcare as the designer.4. If you use designs I’ve created for; zoophilic, lgbtq+phobic, racist, or otherwise heavily bigoted content you will be barred from getting future designs from me in the future. I will not try and “take back” the character but I do not want to be connected in any way to said content going forward.

- anthros
- ferals
- most species
- Simplistic robo-parts (examples: protogens, prosthetic limbs)
- couple art
- customs
- Candy gore/nonrealistic gore
- Birds
- Mech
- Reptiles
- Monsters
- Humanoids
- NSFW/Fetish content
- Realistic gore/body horror
- The obvious racist imagery, lgbtq+phobia, zoophilic content, ect ect
If there is any confusion on what I’m able to do please don’t hesitate to ask about it!